Monday, June 2, 2008

Clearasil ultra acne clearing gel wash reviews and new acne medication

Of course fast food isn't good for you, but can it cause acne too? It sure can! Fast food is overloaded with oils and fats that don't do any good for your figure, or your face. Oil is what clogs pores and causes pimples so adding fast food to your diet will add excessive amounts of oil and acne to your body.
Treatment 2 - Apple Cider Vinegar - This is a natural remedy which you can easily purchase from your grocery or local health food store. In order to treat your acne you just need to apply it to your skin using a cotton ball. It contains natural cleansing properties which help to remove dirt and bacteria from the skins pores and so reduce the chances of them becoming infected. It is also great for skin which produces excess amounts of oil which can further contribute to a person suffering from acne. Plus unlike the first treatment mentioned this one acts more quickly on treating the acne.
Other natural methods of curing acne include using tea tree oil for pimples and lemon juice as an astringent. These methods are simple yet effective. They can be done in addition to your regular skin care routine.
tags: food allergies excess hari growth acne, the honest best acne treatment, best make up for acne prone skin

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