Thursday, July 3, 2008

Benzoyl peroxide acne and does the food you eat give you acne

Everyone who has gone through adolescence has probably had an unfortunate encounter with acne. It's unappealing and irritating, overall acne is really unpleasant. Everybody has different levels of experience with acne. While some may never have it at all, most will have to deal with it as teenagers. However, many people will also experience acne issues on and off throughout their lives. For some unlucky people, acne is a persistent problem, something they deal with their entire lives, marring their self image and sabotaging their lives.
Not washing your face often enough- Just like your hands your face needs to be clean too and more often than not the real cause of acne is dirt and oil on your face. You see the best possible way to deal with this is to wash your face appropriately throughout the day and make it a part of your daily routine not just a one day thing.
Eat well. This makes you overall healthier and there are proven links between acne and bad foods (think greasy foods). Try swapping white bread for granary.
tags: skin acne products, best acne overnight treatment, tea tree oil cystic acne

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