Thursday, October 2, 2008

Does masturbating cause acne

« ...But I was willing to give it a go. The theory the author gave as to why it worked was that the apples helped clean the colon of toxins that cause acne, and so cure acne in quick time....
...Acne scars develop as soon as you pop pimple or squeeze it out. Popping or squeezing results in a permanent mark at the affected area. The deeper you have peeled the skin, the darker is the mark. Most of the times this action leaves a scar and it gets very difficult to get rid off this scar....»
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«...In addition to reversing abnormal keratinization, there is evidence that the topical retinoids may have some anti-inflammatory properties. Both adapalene (Differin®) and tretinoin have been shown to do this in different experiments. Because Retin-A has been on the market for more than 25 years, patients will frequently come in and say, "I've already used tretinoin; it didn't work." For many physicians, their first inclination is to try something else. My favorite therapy is a topical retinoid used in conjunction with a combination of benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin. ...»
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tags: acne facials for black people san diego, need help with acne, acne jeans

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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